without a jig
without a jig
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with sports today. On TV, we had 2 1PM football games, 1 4PM football game, the Red Sox final regular season game and a NASCAR chase race. On the computer, I had 2 fantasy football trackers going and 1 fantasy baseball tracker going. Within the fantasy baseball tracker, I was paying attention to my childhood team the NY Mets who were trying (and failing :( ) to get one of the final post-season spots in the National League.
I REALLY would like to be watching my Giants on NBC right now but between Fox's Sunday night shows and the season premieres of Dexter and Brotherhood. I considered going down to the bar to watch the game and see the guys play for a bit, but I know I need to be up at 6:30 for a downtime window (and I don't trust myself to leave at the end of the game :)
So, been a lot of sports today. The craziness will continue tomorrow. First, we have the Red Sox Rally in Gov't Center (with the Dropkick Murphy's playing!). I doubt I will make it to that, as I have this thing that always interferes with my social life, work, but you never know. If I get in early enough, I may try to sneak over.
Then, we have Monday Night Football with the Patriots facing the Bengals. Can the Pats score 38 this week? :)
Luckily, Tuesday is a sports free night, so my brain can recover :)
I'm really not sure of what to think of this.
Just call it Fenway 公園
Dear NFL people,
LT is NOT, I repeat NOT LaDainian Tomlinson. LT is Lawrence Taylor. Please stop calling this new guy LT.
Thanks in advance,
I can't tell you how much more interesting it makes reading Islander game recaps when they have a player named Satan.
Anyone else notice Phish's Tweezer Reprise being played over the PA @ Fenway when Matt Clement was being pulled from the game tonight? Theo must have let his stoner friends run the music tonight :)
The Super Bowl Champion Patriots released Ty Law today. Sad to see him go, but he really didn't play this year and this will help out with the cap, so it may be a good move. We'll have to wait until next year to see.
The New England Patriots are headed back to the Superbowl!
An early Christmas present for Sox fans (which I'm reporting on a little late):
This makes me very happy. Also, the Sox named Tek the captain of the team, officially. Though many players have said Tek has played this role for a long time, I think it's a great honor that they officially gave him this title.
Congratulations to Charlie Weis who was named head coach of the Notre Dame football team.
I'm sad to see him leave the Pats (but not until AFTER the season), but this is a great move for him.
Not One Down
Not Two Down
Not Three Down
Not Four Down
Not Five Down
Not Six Down
Not Seven Down
Not Eight Down
Not Nine Down
Ten Down
One More To Go!
Go Sox!
Two To Go!
Schilling pitched another amazing game. He is a trooper beyond words.
Some sports other than the Red Sox.
Congratulations to the New England Patriots on their 21st straight victory and setting an NFL record of 18 straight Regular Season victories. Go Pats!
Three To Go.
Some day, I would hope you would finally figure out that a MLB Playoff or World Series Game will run a lot longer than 3 hours. This is ESPECIALLY true when it's the first game and there are 30 mins of introductions before the actual game.
I set my freakin TiVo to record the times set plus an hour and a half and it STILL went over.
later this week ....
FOUR TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnny Jesus comes back to life!
MVP Papi!
HOLY SHNIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORLD SERIES BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Five to Go!!!
KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Schill's pitch count may be 180"
That would be scary.
Six to go
It's seems like there are many in the Red Sox Nation today freaking out a bit. I am not one of them. Let's just go over this a bit:
a) Moose pitched an INCREDIBLE game. Do you really think the Yankees are going to get that good a performance the rest of this series? Even if Mussina pitches again?
b) Schilling looked like shit. I don't say that lightly, but he did. Do you think that is going to happen twice? If he can't go again, we get DLowe, not a bad backup.
c) We scored 7 runs on a team that got our first 19 batters out. We did it with 8 outs left in the game. That's just incredible.
d) Everyone was a little out of practice. No games since Friday is a long time for a team that is used to playing every day. Once they warmed up, we saw the Sox we all knew and loved.
e) Damon had one of his worst offensive games of this season. Do you expect him to strike out 4 times every night? I sure don't.
f) It's ONE FUCKING game people, relax. Did you really think we were going to win 11 straight?
Here come the Yankees.
Eight to go
Nine to go.
Ten to Go
In Bill Simmon's latest column, he mentions:
(Which reminds me: That game is scheduled for Halloween night. Seriously. I'm not sure what chain of events would need to happen here -- it would be extensive -- but the thought of Mike Myers coming out of the Red Sox bullpen, on Halloween night, to pitch in the deciding game of a World Series at Fenway ... I mean ... wouldn't that be the most unbelievable scenario in the history of sports? And what if he won the game? Would there be rioting in Boston and Haddonfield? I can't stop thinking about this. Red Sox pitcher Mike Myers enters Game 7 of the World Series at Fenway on Halloween night ... this could actually happen. My God.)
How messed up would that be?
but how nice would it be to see Minnesota sweep the Yankees this week and make it real interesting for the final week of the season? :)
According to this press release:
All 1,230 regular season games originally slated for the 2004-2005 NHL season will be played, with results of each video game match-up available to fans who tune-in daily to "Sweat." Up-to-the-minute scores, stats, teams and player profiles will be online at www.g4techtv.com.
That should be very neat to watch.
Two and a half back baby! Amazing catch by Manny. Johnny Jesus comes through for the win.
Ahh, so this is what it looks like driving the Yankees car.
I definitely don't want to be anyone who has to play Shaq this year. He already looks VERY VERY VERY in shape at the VMAs.
Stop what you are doing and go directly here and vote for Ken!
Update: Ken won!
The Red Sox would be in first place right now had they swept both the Yankees and the Braves. Instead, they were swept by the Yankees and lost 2 of 3 to the Braves. I'm trying not to post the long bitching post about the Sox, but its getting more and more difficult.
5. Being able to go out on to Yawkey Way to smoke
4. Threatening rain never showing up
3. Great Seats!
2. Guinness served at Fenway!!!
The Red Sox beat the piss out of the A's tonight. Tomorrow, I may even be able to watch the game.
Though the Bruins seemed in control for much of last night's game, they came out the losers. There were a TON of missed opportunities. I can't even think about how many times you saw the puck just sitting in front of the net waiting to be knocked in. It was very cool to be there. The fans were almost to the point of deafening at points, especially earlier in the game. Had the Bruins scored early, I am pretty sure the Fleet Center roof would have been blown off. Well, anyways, a great opportunity to see some playoff hockey, which I haven't seen on the pro level since 1993. Thanks to Jason for the ticket!
The title is an inside joke kind of. It's something a friend from England yelled at a Bruins game a few years back. Well, the good news is, I just got the e-mail and I will be going to the Bruins game this evening! Woo!
The Red Sox just took the final game of the 4 game Patriots Day weekend series with the Yankees. That means three out of four. Very nice! And they even did it in come from behind fashion. Good to see the never say die attitude we all got very used to last year.
It's a huge day for Boston sports today.
First, well, it's Marathon Monday, so there is the Boston Marathon. My money is on a Kenyan! (as is everyone else's)
Next, we have the Red Sox and Yankees playing their traditional morning game over at Fenway. Sox are looking to try and take 3 of 4 from the Evil Empire. Still a close game right now, but the Sox are down. As I type this, the Red Sox just got it back within a run!!!
Lastly, the Bruins are in a do or die game this evening. Game 7 of the first round of the playoffs. The B's haven't looked great the last couple of games, so hopefully they get the fire back and pull this one out tonight. Also, I may be going to this!
Will be a busy day of sports for any Bostonian.
You have to love Curt Shilling, he pitches 121 pitches and then gets pissed off when Francona come to take him out of the game.
Wooooo! It's opening day for the Red Sox!!
Oh come on! I had to do it :)
I really don't get the Nation. Somehow this one trade has made people think that they were going to easily beat the Yankees to we have no chance and the evil empire has struck again. If _ONE_ player is going to make a team so great, WHY have the Rangers been buried in the bottom half of the standings the last few years? Yes, he is good, but I don't think he is good enough for people to be this nervous. The Yankees have a VERY lacking pitching staff this year. Even if they get Maddux (which seems to be suffering from conflicting report syndrome right now), they still have a VERY weak pitching staff. They lost _THREE_ of their best starters. Getting one 38 year old guy to replace those three is not going to do it. People just need to CHILL out and enjoy the amazing team the Red Sox have put together this year and not worry about the one or two guys the Yankees have picked up. Think about all the names they have lost: Andy Pettitte, David Wells, Roger Clemens, Nick Johnson, Alfonso Soriano. And don't forget Boone with the injury. Their staff is a bit disceminated, I don't think the suicide watch needs to begin just yet.
ESPN.com - NCB - St. John's: Program suspension an option
More bad news for my team. I wrote a couple of days ago about not realizing how far the team had gone downhill. Now, the university says it may suspend the basketball program all together. It's sad to see the team be lost because of the stupidity and bad judgement of some of its members. With the team as decimated as it is, it would probably be hard to have a good season next year anyway, but I think suspending the team hurts the university and its students as much as it does its athletics.
UPDATE: Looks like the university is now denying the report, which I guess is good news.
Just read this over at ESPN.com.
I've followed SJU since I was very young. It's my Mom's Alma Mater, so it was ingrained in to my head from an early age that they were the team to cheer for.
We had great sesason tickets for many years. The Red Storm (formerly Redmen) are probably one of the teams I have seen play most. I even worked as a ball boy at Alumni Hall for a season.
Since moving to Boston, I have lost some touch with the team. I will follow them here and there, but unless they are doing some more than just being mediocre, I don't spend too much time following them.
I knew things were not great with them this season. I noticed on My Yahoo that they were losing to teams that shouldn't have been early on in the season. I also heard about Jarvis being fired. But, since then, I really have sort of just stopped paying attention. That became very clear after reading this article. I didn't realize the program had gone this far downhill. Players getting suspend and thrown off the team, drug charges, late night adventures to strip clubs, nothing at all good for a college basketball team (yes, that was me qualifying). It sad to see a team with so much tradition having this many problems. Hopefully they can finish this season without total shame and then spend a lot of time getting this team back to what it is known for next season.
Red Sox, Ortiz avoid arbitration: The Red Sox and Ortiz agreed to terms on a one-year contract for $4,587,500.
Good to hear they signed Ortiz. Sure seems like a lot of people being signed for just one year though. Seems like Theo is putting all his egss in the 2004 basket.
From my Inbox:
Top 20 Signs of a Pats Fan
20. Didn't flip off the guy who cut you off on the Expressway because he had a Pats sticker in his back window
19. Can't eat unless it is cooked in parking lot
18. You throw snow in the air anytime something good happens.
17. Your alarm clock blares "Welcome to the Jungle" at 5 in the morning.
16. You find it flattering that your new pants make you look like Ted Washington.
15. You thought that the State of the Union address was a presidential rally held just for Tom Brady.
14. Cancelled Subscription to Sports Illustrated just to be able to order a New Subscription and receive Patriots video
13. Even though it's in a dome you're still hoping for snow.
12. You find yourself whistling, "I fought the law and the law won."
11. You think 17-14 is a blow-out.
10. Gave my wife the "There's no 'I' in team" speech when I helped with the dishwasher.
9. You think its hot outside.
8. Instead of asking for a Brewski you ask for a Bruschi
7. You go around kicking cats because they are related to Panthers
6. Considering petition to keep Mia Hamm 5 km from Tom Brady at all times
5. You're wearing your #12 jersey into work and answering to "Brady."
4. Have been going outside without a shirt on because everyday since the Titans game seems warm
3. Considering naming my daughter Tedy, Ty, or Tom.
2. Voices in head telling you to "Kill Grady" put on hold during Belichick press conferences
1. You already took Monday off
Though I don't feel it was much of a win. Had the Titans not screwed themselves on the final drive, I think we would have at least seen OT. Hopefully they can look a little more alive next week.
I have to say, the Pat's defense does not look as good as it usually does. Hopefully this will change in the second half.
Pointed out by the commentators at the Pats Game, a sign saying: Eskimo Up! Very fitting.
I'm sorry, but no matter how hardcore a fan you are, it is WAY too cold to be sitting in a stadium for 4 hours. It's currently 9 out before windchill.
Francona named Red Sox manager
Ok, now we have a manager. Seems like this guy will be pretty good, though I haven't read enough about him yet. Supposedly he plays the "Moneyball" way, which is what Theo likes (and on paper so do I).
Next chapter, "A great closer helps a pitching staff immensely"
ESPN.com is reporting Schilling has agreed to come to the Red Sox!
How about Schilling, Pedro, Lowe, and Wakefield as a starting 4. That's VERY nice.
Report: A-Rod, Nomar deal on table
Dear Theo:
Please don't do this! First off, we don't need to take up so much of the Red Sox salary with one player. Use the money to get some good pitching, not replacing a position where we already have a damn good player. See how Nomar does this season and see how much he wants next year and then decide if you are going to renew his contract. I see no reason to grab A-Rod. We already have great hitting and need pitching much more in order to win the World Series next year. Adding more power does nothing for a team that had the best offensive stats in the league last year. So, go forget A-Rod and start concentrating on getting guys like Pettite or Colon. Maybe pick up a new REAL closer. Let's not get caught up in trying to improve anything BUT pitching right now. You did a great job of finding some diamonds in the rough in terms of offense last year, can't you do the same with pitching this year? Thanks!
Yanks-Marlins Series third-lowest rated ever
Wow, I'm shocked, amazed, surprised. Oh wait, no I'm not, not a soul had any cares about this series.
Little surprise: Red Sox fire Grady as manager
According to the AP, Gady is gone, official news conference supposedly at 3. And the crowd goes wild.
Scariest part of the article:
"Monday's Boston Herald, citing a Red Sox source, reported that two candidates to succeed Little could be former Indians manager Charlie Manuel and former Red Sox second baseman Jerry Remy, a television analyst for NESN, a regional sports network partly owned by the Red Sox."
I like Remy and all and think he does a grat job of color commentary and always has some great insights on the Sox, but as a manager, I'm not sure it would work. Imagine him bringing Wally to the mound to have a talk with Pedro? That just plain scares me.
As it was getting in to the evening hours last night, I decided on what I was going to do for the evening and set out to finish some things before heading there. At some point over the course of this time, I remembered that the possible last game of the World Series was going on, but at the time, I was planning on getting to the bar around 10, which should have left me plenty of time to hopefully catch the Yankees lose. Well, as I always do, I took my time getting ready and getting out the door. I got in to Fanueil Hall around 10:45 and probably walked in to the packed bar around 10:50 or so. The first thing I noticed? The whole bar way paying attention to the TV. I glanced up to see 2-0, bottom 9th, 1 out. As I watched, the outfielder made a catch and now the Yankees were down to their final out. Moments later, as I got my drink and settled in, a slow dribbler down the first base line ended the game. The bar erupted, high fives all around, "Yankees Suck" chants beginning. It was almost like we were all in Florida.
But, no, it was Boston. The Nation felt it at least got some revenge with the Yankees falling to the Marlins. Usually if my team gets knocked out of the playoffs in a sport, I end up cheering for the team that beat them, because I liked to be able to at least say we lost to the best. Well, obviously not this year :) And, in the end, the only ones who beat the Sox were the Sox (and most say Grady Little), so there really was no need to cheer the Yankees. I doubt there ever will be a time to cheer for the Yankees.
Well, my good timing got me to start my evening out (the first time outside a 2 block radius of my apartment since Sunday due to illness) with a smile.
but, it's still nice to see the Islanders in first and the Rangers in last. (yes, my hockey allegiances are all pretty much still NY, thought I do follow the B's).
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Studio plans movie based on Cubs fan's now-famous blunder - Oct. 16, 2003
When did the Onion writers start writing for CNN? You HAVE to be kidding me.
Good morning, Mr Garciaparra, how was your fall nap? Good to see you awake again.
Finally the bats come alive tonight.
I think I am starting to see a trend here, we have one bad inning per game and that's about it. That one inning almost killed us, luckily the Sox were gelling nicely tonight and got some runs in.
I really don't know if I can watch tomorrow's game though. My nerves are already rather shot and a game 7 is just gonna be scary from beginning to end.
There is a Yankee fan, a Red Sox fan, a Marlins fan and a Cubs fan climbing up to the top of a mountain talking about how loyal they are to their team and how they would do anything for them.
Once they reach the top of the mountain the Marlins fan screams, "THIS IS FOR THE MARLINS" and jumps off.
The Cubs fan screams "THIS IS FOR THE CUBS," and he, too, jumps off of the mountain.
Finally the Red Sox fan screams, "THIS IS FOR EVERYONE" and pushes the Yankee fan off!!
What the children of Boston think of the Yankees:
The Red Sox tied up the series tonight. Very nice. Being able to have Waker pitch was most excellent. I am going to scare myself by saying this, but, the Sox pitching looked real good tonight.
Not sure what happened with that one base running snafu, but other than that, the Sox looked ok. Still trying to figure out where the bats that we had hot all season are.
Specifically, can someone PLEASE go find Nomar, tell him to stop thinking about the wedding and CONCENTRATE on baseball for a bit? He's looked like crap for over a month and it is getting somewhat annoying. He's almost turned in to an automatic out. The other one someone can try and wake up is that batting champion of ours.
I'm trying to think if I am going to head to work super early tomorrow, so I can be home by 4 to watch the game or if I am just going to stay at work late and listen to the game. Tough decision, since I hate waking early, but it may have to be done. It's not like I am going to get any work done after the game starts.
The police report sure seems to say it was the Yankees, not the Fenway employee.
I want to watch the Red Sox today!
It's gross in Boston right now. The football game (which is causing me much pain due to the Giants and the Patriots playing each other) is still going, but I am starting to think the Yankees/Sox game this evening may be in jeopardy.
At least I have a day off tomorrow for Columbus Day, so if there is a double header I can sit and watch both games.
Baiting? Well, as I said, that's what I thought. But, the police are saying maybe assault. Big Fat Warning: This page has crashed two browsers on me. From the article:
Boston police may charge Yankees with assaultPolice spokesman Michael McCarthy didn't release the names of the two players.
However, Red Sox spokesperson Charles Steinberg identified Jeff Nelson and Karim Garcia as the Yankees involved.
McCarthy says a man who was seen in the bullpen in the ninth inning of the Yankees 4-3 playoff win over the Red Sox was a Fenway Park employee and that he was the victim of the assault."The Red Sox are terribly concerned and distressed about the attack on our employee tonight," Steinberg said.
The Yankees denied the players were to blame in the fight with Paul Williams, a member of the ballpark's grounds crew.
"A security incident like this would never be tolerated at Yankee Stadium," president Randy Levine told AP.
"Unfortunately, there was an atmosphere of lawlessness that was allowed to be perpetrated all day long," said Levine. "The events of the entire day were disgraceful and shameful, and if it happened at our ballpark, we would apologize, and that's what the Red Sox should do here."
New York reliever Jeff Nelson fought with the Fenway Park employee in the Yankees' bullpen in the ninth inning of the AL championship series Saturday night.
With tempers already high following a bench-clearing melee earlier in the game, Nelson took exception to Paul Williams, who was waving a white flag in the bullpen in the ninth inning. The reliever told Williams he didn't like it, and the two started to fight.
There's more there, but that's a bunch of it.
Well, at least its 2-1. Sox looked good and bad all night long. Clutch hitting early and then forgot how to clutch hit. How annoying.
I am hating the Fox announcers more and more by the minute. I love how they yelled at Pedro for 5 minutes until they actually WATCHED the clip once more and realized the fuckin 72 year old idiot charged at Pedro swinging.
And, once and for all, Pedro hit him in the BAT, not the back, the BAT. It never touched his body. Watch the clip, it never touches him. Definitely intentional, my ass.
Oh, and the employee of Fenway getting involved with the Yankees, somehow I think there may have been a bit of baiting there.
Uniform of the Day: Red Sox With Togas
A decent article about the Red Sox from the Washington Post. My favorite line:
"We've got a bunch of idiots in here who [just] go out and play baseball," Boston third baseman Kevin Millar, the self-appointed lead idiot, told reporters here on Monday.
Just got this in my Inbox:
Twas the night to beat Yankees
And all through the nation
Not a single sole was thinkin
Of 85 years of damnation....
Cuz this is the year
To end our bad luck
And even if it werent
On Damon! On Nixon! On Manny and Nom-ah!
On V-tek! On Walker! On Ortiz and Mill-ah!
Carry this team and end this damned curse
Don't blow the game or you'll leave town in a hearse!
To the TRUE fans of BOSTON
Get a beer and a cup
And say it together
Oh come on now, just because the traffic information signs on the Mass Pike are alternating between:
does not mean the whole town is overly obsessed with the Red Sox. I swear, we aren't, no really, come on, believe me, we aren't ;)
Oh yeah, GO SOX!
I find it amusing that Dave is now saying to Cool to the Red Sox victory.
I said something to him last night about being a Sox fan, but that I am also still a Mets fan (as I was born and raised in NY). I have become a Sox fan by spending 10 years up here and following the team. Dave said I wasn't allowed. I said sure I was, one was American League and one was National League, so it worked on the few occasions that they played each other.
Well, Dave's cool comment makes me think he may be slowly coming to go through the same thing I went through. Basically, the concept of living where your team isn't (especially a team like the Sox aka the Heart Attack kids) and slowly getting sucked in.
All I warn anyone who hasn't lived here long about is what will happen to this city if the Sox somehow win the World Series.
Now, that's funny from Only a Game.
This actually happening is exactly what I don't want happening because I fear this will come true.
OK, so they could have possibly made that a little more tense, right? Lilke getting the count to 3-2 and bringing Kim in? Would that have helped build some more tension?
Holy shit! What a great game. Manny, who has been rather quiet in this series, with the big 3 run blast was a nice touch. The A's slowly coming back was completely unnecessary. The bases being loaded in the 9th was also unnecessary. DLowe pulling off some wonderful pitching was very nice to see.
Scariest part of the game was most definitely the collision in the outfield. Seeing Damon wave to the crowd as he got in the ambulance was comforting.
I don't enjoy the fox announcers much. Taking exception to Manny walking down the first base line was annoying. He knew it was gone, he has done it before.
So, off to NY we go. I would have to say we have a ton of momentum, so hopefully we can carry it in. First game is Wednesday, I think. May have to hit the bars, cuz Jillian's looked like a ball on TV tonight.
So once again, I say, GO SOX!
Thanks to Boss Ross for the pic.
And two days later, I continue to say Go Sox!
Saw much of Friday's game. CB actually had to wait for the game to end to go on, so we were all sitting around watching. Nice heroics by Trot.
I missed yesterday due to BloggerCon and being without WiFi, I wasn't even able to follow on MLB Gameday. Sounds like it was a lot of fun though.
Tonight is what it's all about. The Cubs are already in, so the Sox at LEAST have to do that good. So, it's still do or die and I'm still screamin
and all I can say is
Go Sox!
is the understatement of the day. I have come very close to just curling up under my desk at this point. Red Sox went to 12, lost on a bunt, A BUNT, ugh. Not pleased, half asleep, just waiting for Game 2 to start in a few hours. Knowing the Red Sox they will win this one 17-0. They are very good at getting runs when they dont' need them.
Sox definitely did not play their game last night. They are usually VERY good at clutch hitting, but then Manny goes and leaves 5 guys on base. That's a lack of clutch hitting if I ever heard one.
Big props to Pedro for going 7 and throwing 130 pitches, hopefully he didn't push himself too hard.
ESPN announcers:
"There are gonna be a lot of bleary eyes in offices in the city of Boston tommorrow"
I will be one of them. Fuckin Red Sox.
Am I the only one who has no interesting whatsoever in seeing this?
Do you really want to tempt the fate of 180 years of baseball? I would much rather the Sox play anyone else (and I would assume Cubs fans (well, maybe with the exception of Bogie) have no interest in playing the Sox). WAY WAY WAY too much riding on these games if it happens and I don't want to taunt the baseball gods like that.
(and yes, expect lots of Sox related material this week, I'm all pscyhed up for the playoffs, especially since the Pats can't even fuckin remember they should kick a long field goal)
From mlb.com:
Paint it red: Nixon and his teammates would like to spread a message to the Fenway faithful before they return to Boston for Game 3 of the Division Series on Saturday."I think most of the players thought it would be pretty awesome to just challenge the fans to be a sea of red out there," Nixon said. "They always talk about painting the town red. We wear red BP tops now. It would be great to see the entire stadium with red T-shirts, or Red Sox T-shirts, that would be pretty awesome. I know for us, it would be great to have a sea of red there when we come back there Saturday. I don't think we have to challenge our fans too much to do anything because they're going to do anything. But it would be good to see that."
So, if you are going to the game, find some red!
Red Sox have clinched a playoff birth for the first time since 1999. Wooooooooooooooooo!
I finally watched The Curse of the Bambino which I TiVo'ed off HBO.
It was a very interesting look at the Red Sox. They talked about how the Sox traded Ruth away, many of the untrue stories about the trade, etc.
They then went in to the history of racism in the Sox. This was very interesting to me. I didn't know a lot of pieces of that piece of the history. It was strange to hear that the Sox were the last to integrate, 12 years after the first team did. Also, it included some references to Tom Yawkey being racist, due to his southern roots.
Next they covered some of the loses that the Red Sox went through, years like 1976. They even mentioned Buckey Fucking Dent. They then had a long piece on 1986. The fact that I am a Sox fan today is amusing to me, because in 1986, I was at my godmother's house, watching Game 6. Seeing that the Sox had pretty much won, I started to fall asleep. I swear I woke up about 10 seconds before the infamous ball that went through Buckner's legs. I was still half asleep when it happened and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Why was I watching? I was (and still am) a Met's fan. I can't mention that around too many people in this area, but I am.
The final piece was talking about what would happen if they won. Would people lose their interest? I don't think so. The one thing I do think? Boston would be a drunken party for about 3 days. I headed downtown after the Pats won and it was chaos in the streets. Imagine what would happen if a team that had not won in over 80 years won the World Series? Everyone from 1 to 100 would be on the streets going crazy. I really hope I am still here in Boston when it happens.
I kept it on the TiVo, I figured I will probably watch it again, but all in all a good look at the Red Sox and their curse.
Red Sox faithful receive a TV tribute
HBO will be showing a special at 10PM this evening on the Curse of the Bambino. Sounds like they have a lot of Boston natives in it to talk about the curse. These people inclue Ben Affleck (the narrator), Dennis Leary, Stephen Wright, and Robert Parker.
From the article it says it will focus on the pain the fans have endured over the 85 years since 1918. I think we are all sitting around hoping that pain will go away this October, but who knows.
If you can't catch it tonight, Yahoo's TV listing for Comcast Digital has it on many more times this week.
This makes me happy:
1 1/2 back from the Yanks.
1/2 back on Oakland
1 1/2 up on Seattle
It's September and the Sox are playing well.
Something is out of alignment on the world. :)
Let's go Sox!
So, Grady says last week, he is going back to the lineup he had earlier in the year and what happens? The Sox win 5 in a row, 4 being against the American League West leader. Then Toronto comes in tonight and he changes the ENTIRE lineup. A COMPLETELY different outfield, Manny DHing and Mirabelli catching (which would have happened no matter what). Why do this? They are already down 4-1 in the 4th. So, yes, I know I may eat these words later, but WHY FIX SOMETHING THAT ISN'T BROKEN?!?!? Argh.
Update: Oh yeah, the other thing. They have an off day on Thursday, so its not like they need an extra day off. And now its 7-1. (and the crowd AIN'T happy)
Hmmm, how hard is it to get from downtown San Francisco to Oakland? Specifically, the ball park that the A's play in. Saw a Giants game last time I was in town, but they are out of town next time I am there, but the A's have some games. Also, anyone know how easy/hard it is to get tickets?
Williams' body decapitated; DNA missing
Did you check eBay?
Boston.com / Sports / Boston Sports Blog
Hmmm, this looks interesting. Too bad, without RSS, I ain't reading it. Sorry, I don't read blogs without my aggregator. Yes, I am a snob, deal :)
MLB.com - 2003 etopps All-Star Final Vote
Don't forget to get out and vote for Jason Varitek as the final man on the AL All Star Team. I mean, if we don't get Pedro, we should at least get Jason on :)
Hall of a threat: Clemens may boycott ceremony: "Clemens said Saturday he will not attend his own induction ceremony if he is not allowed to go into the Hall of Fame as a member of the New York Yankees."
Roger, just because you have an issue with that idiot Dan Duquette, doesn't mean you should turn your back on the place that you made most of your history. Most of us in Boston know how much of a loser Duquette is. I mean, we did get rid of him. And while he was here, he was CONSTANTLY criticized, not just for what happened to you, but for many other bad trades and bad decisions he made.
I don't know. I think these superstars have just gone too far in seeing themselves as the only person rather than looking at things on the whole.
I think the best example of this is this. I was at Roger's first game back at Fenway with Toronto. They stopped beer in the bleachers in about the third or fourth inning. The reason for this? Fights in the stand. Now, this was not the normal out of rowners and locals fighting, this was red sox fans fighting each other because some were still routing for Roger and other's hated him for leaving. Now, if this does not show how much of a fan of Roger Boston is, I don't know what is.
Roger, get with the program, let the Hall put you in in a Sox uniform and go and humbly accept that you have been voted in.
So, watching the Belmont here and its POURING in NY and the track is a mess, all mud. Now, since these horses are pretty much raised to do this and if they break a leg or something, its very bad, WHY THE HELL DO THEY RACE THEM IN THE RAIN?!?!?! Just makes no sense to me.
"Vermont rockers Phish will perform the U.S. national anthem before Game 4 of the Finals on Wednesday, June 11. The band released their most recent studio record, Round Room, on Elektra Entertainment last December. Known for their marathon concerts and devoted following, the band hits the road for a nationwide tour in July."
It would be nice if they jammed it out, but I would bet they are gonna do it accapella.
Don's comment "game starts 20 minutes late due to anthem>loving cup>tweezer reprise>anthem reprise." :)
Bah! He took a team from the basement and brought them to the playoffs two years in a row. At least give him a damn chance. Definitely not a fan of this decision (but that tune could change very quickly if the Isles shoot to the top next season ;)
Isles win! Wow, the Islanders came out fighting in the playoffs. Going up 1-0 on the road is huge for them. (Too bad both the B's and the Sox lost last night, it could have been an awesome day for Skadz Sports :)
Syracuse just won the NCAA, St Johns won the NIT, now we just need UConn to win the Women's NCAA tomorrow and the FULL sweep will be complete :)
Just heard on the news. The Red Sox just picked up Pedro's option for next year. He has mentioned a few times in interviews lately that it was bugging him and he didn't like it hanging over his head. I'm psyched it got cleared up. Now if the team can actually HIT when he is pitching, he could have a really good season :)
This is just a minor warning, with baseball season getting in to full swing and the hockey playoffs starting, there is a good chance of a lot of sports talk (read: gripipng about bad things happening to my teams) in the next couple of weeks :)
Woooo! My boys, St Johns beat Texas Tech this evening to make it an all Big East NIT final on Thursday. Woooooooo!
God damnit! The Sox are up 4-1 going in to the bottom of the ninth and LOSE 6-4. Fuckin shoot me, I can't go through this again this season. Argh.
Yay! Something to do every evening again!
My team is playing my college in the first round of the NIT Tourney. How amusing :)
The Onion | Yankees Ensure 2003 Pennant By Signing Every Player In Baseball
They could have finally won a series if they did.
Wow, what a horrible game. It couldn't even keep my attention, so sad.
As for the other part of the SuperBowl, the commercials were really bad as well. A few were cute, but other than that I thought they did not live up to previous years at all.
Best commercial, would have to go to the new Matrix commercial. That motorcycle scene looked SICK. I can't wait for May, I will definitely be going on opening day.
Some runners up, I guess would have to be the first one with the Zebra ref, the Yao Ming/Yogi Berra one was cute, the Osbournes Pepsi commercial was sad, their 15 minutes are quickly expriring. Seeing some real clips from Hulk was neat, though I am not sure how good the movie is going to be, Bad Boys 2 clips, already online, but I loved the first movie, so I can't wait for the next.
Basically, not impressed with the game or the commercials. Gonna watch some Alias and probably set the tape, so I get it and Jimmy Kimmel. Since Kimmel stole The Sports Guy, it better be fuckin funny.
Is it just me or was Michelle Branch lip syncing her and Santana's hit song? It sure seemed like it, performance sounded WAY too much like the recorded version. Beyonce did seem to be singing herself and Michelle seems to be singing now in this piece after her song, but it sure seemed to me like she wasn't really singing (or at least that wasn't what they were braodcasting) for her main song. It makes me lose a little respect for her, as I really think she has talent and to see her lip sync makes me think she may be a bunch more produced than she comes across.
Man, is Shaq's big toe a lot worse than we think it is? First, he starts doing BK commercials and now he is doing Radio Shack commercials? What's up with that? I think he is starting to try and get himself in to other arenas before he needs to retire.
This article just plain sucks. Even the annoucers had it wrong, they said it could end on offsetting penalties. Idiots. I am slowly, but steadily becoming less and less impressed with the idiots that are hired to call NFL games. I have whined about this before, so I will digress, but I just wish they could get guys who knew the rules, not just guys who used to play and may boost their ratings.
Pats win! Let's go Green Bay, I want some playoff football!
Two stories coming out of NY sports. First off, the Mets have signed Tom Glavine. Good for them. Hopefully it will help with the team next year.
The sad news is the second piece, the Islanders say that Friday night is not going to be a fight night. No fun at all. I was really hoping for a revenge night. Watch Tucker just get turned to a bloody pulp. But, maybe its just me.
A page on the Islander's Home Page called A New Look In Islanders Country! shows off the Islanders new third jersey. I like em.
Are these guys as much of idiots as they show themselves to be while comentating on games? A few weeks ago Tim and Vinnie were over and we were laughing our asses off for a good twenty minutes after the commentator said something along the lines of, well, they will win the game if they score more points than the Patriots. Thanks genius! We thought you could win by scoring less points.
Well, the guys on Fox today, just said "He's 11 of 11 from the no huddle offense, when they don't huddle". Is that what no huddle means? I guess the meaning of no was being used in the literal here, instead of that no meaning yes kind of way. Thanks for clearing that up.
Congratulations to Tony Stewart on winning the Winston Cup Championship today. I know I'm happy and Kori and Sandy are definitely very happy. Nascar.com's coverage is here:
NASCAR.com - Stewart caps tumultuous year with championship - November 17, 2002
Green flag out, let's go Tony!
to watch football when your team is playing against your fantasy team's quarterback.
Well, the National Hockey League season starts today! I hope the Isles and B's have even better seasons than last year. Would be great to have both my teams in the playoffs!
It's a very sad day today. The Islanders got knocked out of the playoffs last night, just a day after the Bruins did. There is no longer anyone to watch in the playoffs, so I guess baseball season gets in full swing tonight. I'm definitely diappointed my boys couldn't make it farther. I really thought they were going to do it when they came out so strong in the beginning of the first. I guess stopping playing for 30 mins of a 60 minute game can really hurt you.
So, let's go Sox, let's go Mets :)