Recently in Software Category

New Quicktime & iTunes

Apple released version 7.1 of iTunes and version 7.1.5 of Quicktime today. Go grab em!

Eclipse Question: Versions and Date Tags?

Here's a question for the good old lazy web.

So, I have started using Eclipse for some projects at work. Slowly I have been learning some of the functionality it is helping me with. I am using it for Python development and the python extension for Eclipse is pretty good (at least for what I am using it for).

So, now that I am really making some progress on this project, I want to make sure I have things versioned and date stamped to make sure old versions don't end up out on my servers and whatnot. Since I am not currently using a version control system, I was hoping I could do this right in Eclipse.

In the past when I used CVS, I was able to put $Id$ and some other things in a file to get it to have the versioning information. Is there something similar I can add to my files in Eclipse to put version information or last changed information or something like that in?

Since I don't allow comments (until I can figure out a better solution for them), please just send mail to skadz at the domain you are looking at this on :)


The Joys of Windows

And people wonder why I hate MS WIndows. Example 92132141253678: Aftermarket Pipes: this api can break

Send us your women!

From the site:

Following on from GNOME's participation in Google's Summer of Code, we've decided to sponsor three projects in a similar fashion to the Summer of Code, but for women only. GNOME had no Summer of Code applications from women, and we think it's time to do something to encourage more women to join our development community.

So, Gnome presents the Women's Summer Outreach Program 2006

Beagle 0.2.3 is out!

Joe Shaw announced the availability of Beagle 0.2.3 today.

Beagle 0.2.2

Beagle 0.2.2 is out! Lots of fixes as always. Get it today!

Missing Link

Oh my, I think I might have to start a Windows category.

I get pulled in to work on my friends' Windows machines CONSTANTLY. I'm the computer guy they know, so they call me whenever they have issues. One of the big ones recently seems to be the my computer has started to suck (well, it sucked to begin with, but has gotten even worse) calls. Most of the time, this means going in and installing all the latest software updates, cleaning off spyware and adware, setting up automatic updates, etc etc.

One of the biggest issues after doing all this is the lack of a free virus scanner. Most other pieces of the puzzle, I can get for free, but there is no free virus scanner out there. Well, until now. I finally have the missing link and it is ClamWin Free Antivirus. Yay!

This is released under the GPL and is free to download and use. I set it up on one of my Windows laptops at work and so far, it seems pretty good. Best feature thus far? E-mail alerts! This means, I could have my friends' machines send ME alerts when they get virii, so I could go work on their machines as soon as I see this :)

This is a huge step to make my life a little easier when I get stuck working on my friends' Windows machines. Thanks ClamAV team!

Rhythmbox Breakdown #1

Doc has posted Rhythmbox Breakdown #1. This is intended to be a Wine Weekly News type publication for Rhythmbox.

I've been trying to help out with RB lately to try and get some cool new features tested. The biggest of all of these is Podcast support, which is now in CVS and will be in the next release (0.9.2). Other neat things like support and audio CD playing have been added in as well. Hopefully, this new outlet of data will help other people to get involved and get more testing and coding going on.

Firefox and the Google Toolbar

Testing out some referral stuff.

Beagle UI Hackfest

Summer of Code

Google's Summer of Code comes to a close next week (9/1) and I just saw these screen captures of one person's work. That looks like it will be an awesome feature.

I spent a little time after seeing these looking at some of the Summer of Code proposals and what was accepted. Seems like there is a lot of good ideas out there for these projects, but I feel I haven't heard a lot about them while they were being developed. Maybe these people don't get aggregated to the right planets or something. I'm hoping next week we'll see a flood of new code and start seeing some of this great work.

Competitors Helping Microsoft

Danah has an excellent post about MS competitors who then turn around and develop their products for Windows only. Definitely an interesting read.

Another Beagle Release

The good folks working on Beagle have put out release 0.0.7. The biggest change in this release is beagle can now run without an Inotify enabled kernel. The full release notes are here

I spent a bunch of time yesterday trying to get fejj's IMAP4 stuff working with Beagle. I think I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew. Hopefully I can make some more progress in the next few days.

Beagle Newsletter

The fourth edition of the Beagle Newsletter is now available

Firefox and Awstats

I use Awstats for my web site statistics. It all seems to work fine, but I noticed that Firefox doesn't show up as a browser. I'm thinking it showing up under Other instead of by itself. I'm running Awstats 6.2, which supposedly it was fixed in. Anyone else seeing this or have any ideas?

Application Server Testing

So, part of my job is to test different applications on my comany's hardware platform.

A lot of pieces of software allow you to download some sort of certification exam or something like that. The problem is the pieces of software that don't. Some things you can tell if they are working, but others are rather difficult.

One of the most difficult ones is application servers. Sure, I can see if they are up and running and maybe even load a page, but how can I really test these things? I know there are things like SPECjAppServer2002. or ECperf, but those are more performance tests than anything else from my understand. Is there something out there that goes through and really tests compatability and that things are really working?

Any other suggestions on ways to test application servers would be greatly appreciated too.


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