November 2006 Archives

Almost Back To Life

Lots to catch everyone up on, but way too busy. Hopefully this weekend I will share all the news.

links for 2006-12-01

links for 2006-11-29


Headed to the Pats Game today.  Should be a good time.  Hopefully the hangover goes away before the game starts :)

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Blogged with Flock

Someone Shoot Me

After just 9 days back in Boston, I am back on the west coast again. This time, I am already sick, so it is not going to be an enjoyable trip. Luckily, it's a quick hit, taking the red eye home on Wednesday night.

Once back in Boston, lots going on, including Queensryche, Los Lonely Boys/Ozomatali, Robert Randolph, and Sunset is a Battle shows, a possible trip to Albany, Tom's birthday, maybe King's X, and much much more. Hopefully this trip doesn't get me even sicker, because I won't have time to be sick when I get back.

links for 2006-11-06


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