The Italian Job and Radio

The Italian Job DVD
Yes, I've watched a lot of movies on this long weekend.

First, I watched The Italian Job this morning. Neat movie, some cool action, but nothing all that special. I did enjoy the Mini Cooper racing. I have some guys I work with who have these and know there is no chance they could really do that :) And its never a bad thing to watch a movie with Charlize Theron.

Radio DVD

Next, I watched Radio. I thought this was a very nice story. The movie itself was good, but nothing amazing. I thought Cuba did a very good job portraying the main character Radio. It felt at points that the movie was rushed along some, but after reading a little online after the movie, I see that they kind of took a story that was 20+ years and tried to push it all in to one year and one movie. A nice watch, but somewhat sad at points, which is never a good way to start a day.


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This page contains a single entry by Skadz published on November 27, 2004 10:06 PM.

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