From my notes from BloggerCon last year:
Talk about using a Wiki to plan BC2004, Dave doesn't seem to much like the idea, too much ability for people to change. Talked about how he sort of did it, but more of a controlled directory structure.
After the success of the wiki for things like E-Tech is this still disagreeable? It would AT LEAST be nice to have somewhere to post notes and thoughts afterwards. But, why not have something where some of the planning/idea exchange/etc can be a community aspect? We talk alot in the blog community about things like community and echo chambers, well, isn't one person planning a community conference almost the ultimate echo chamber? It's just one person's ideas going off on to other places and hoping it works right and people write about it.
I guess some would argue that they are planning some of this at the Berkman Thursday night sessions, but the limited number of people attending those doesn't seem like a broad enough scope of people to be planning a conference that spans so many different types of people.