And now something I should not admit ...

The other album I am totally digging on this week is Avril Lavigne's disc. It's happy poppy fun, but it actually has some good qualities in it. She's got a great voice and some interesting songs. She actually sorta raps (maybe it's Canadian rap (insert Dream Theater fan inside joke here)) on one track. Actually the song I am digging the most right now is the one that is the new single, "Losing Grip". A lot of good qualities in that song. The song I get the biggest kick out of "Things I'll Never Say". I'm not sure who thought it would be cute, but there are two sections that I just love. At one point she sings:

"If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you" [dramatic 5 second pause] "away"

and then another one goes:

"If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down" [dramatic 5 second pause] "On one knee"

Yeah, they weren't trying to sound sexual and get away with it on a teeny boppers CD or anything :)

But, in the end, I will admit it, I really like this disc.


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This page contains a single entry by Skadz published on June 16, 2003 11:07 PM.

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