Netflix Stuff

An Analysis of Netflix's DVD Allocation System

Yes, I know if was on Slashdot, but this is a very interesting report. I'm thinking it is very close to true too. When I was living back on LI 18 months ago (around that), I was getting 3 movies in the maill, watching all 3, then sending them right back. When I was doing this, I definitely saw a lot of my movies would at least be on Short Wait, if not Long Wait. Well, now, that I am a total Netflix slacker, I see many more movies seem to be available much more often.

I do need to start working on being less of a slacker on this one. I definitely am not properly exploiting my membership. I think if I got a TiVo like I planned on, I would be able to get much better about organizing my time and finding more time for movies and such. Oh yeah and not going out 3-5 nights a week would probably help on this one too.


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This page contains a single entry by Skadz published on April 23, 2003 9:36 PM.

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