I made it to Orlando in one piece. After getting up much later than I wanted and having a cab that smelled of gas so bad I thought I was going to be sick, the rest of the trip down actually turned out rather smooth. I actually made it through a whole airport without being stopped once!! Yes, this is amazing for me, I usually get stopped each and every time.
Once getting to the hotel, I called the other person I am down here with and we met up and headed over to the convention center. Setting up the booth was very much the blind leading the blind. Neither of us had set up this booth before (I usually only go to shows when we have the big booth and the Nth Degree guys set up most of that, I just need to set up my machine). We got everything up and running. The Internet connection in the booth was the next challenge. After huntind down where my wire went, I saw that the the hub I was plugged in to wasn't powered on. I flipped on the power strip it was attached to and everything went smoothly from there.
Last night was a reception, so there was beer and food on the floor. Makes it a little easier to deal with people when they have a cocktail in there hand. I bumped in to an Oracle guy I have done some work with and talked with some potential partners. No real hardcore leads so far last night, but we did talk to a few people.
It seems like we have really cool people at the booths around us, which is nice. Will make dealing with the slow points of the day a little easier, rather than just having to talk to the two other people in my booth over and over again. Not that they are bad people or anything, but 10 hours a day together for 4 days, you tend to run out of things to talk about :)
After the show ended, we caught the shuttle back to the hotel, changed and went to dinner. We went to a place in the Mercado, though I don't completely remember the name of it. Neat place, all the waiter and waitresses sing opera-like songs between serving tables. Had some good food and a bottle of wine. Headed back to the hotel, caught up on some email, and then headed to bed.
Slept for shit last night, as I tend to do in unfamiliar beds. Hopefully tonight will mean some better sleep. Ok, I am supposed to meet people in 15 mins and I have yet to shave, iron or shower. Uh oh! I think there is WiFi on the floor (or so the rumor is), so if I get that working, I will be back later, maybe even with some pictures.