Numero 200

This is post number 200. Considering I started in late April this year and only had three posts in April, May and June combined, I think I have done pretty good in keeping this up. It has been a nice outlet for thoughts in my head as well as music and movie reviews, tech stuff, news happenings, etc. I really am liking this whole thing. I think if I put up 200 posts in 6 months (well 197 to be exact), I can't wait to see how much posting I do next year. I have definitely gotten more and more in to this as time has gone. I still need a real news aggregator considering the amount of blogs I read daily has gone up considerably over time, but other than that, I am really enjoy the whole blog world.


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Skadz published on December 27, 2002 6:50 PM.

White Christmas Wrap-up was the previous entry in this blog.

City Livin is the next entry in this blog.

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