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December 13, 2006

So, as it may have become evident

from all my recent del.icio.us postings, I bought a MacBook Pro this past weekend. 15"/2.33Ghz Core2Duo / 2GB / 120GB. It's a freaking sweet machine. Still putting lots of things on it. Still figuring out how to use it right. Been bugging the hell out of my Mac friends :) My biggest issue right now is e-mail, but that is a topic for a post all on it's own. The one thing that has impressed me the most thus far is that I can have all sorts of stuff running and it all just runs. No slow downs, no issues, just goes. Yeah, I'm turning in to a convert pretty damn quickly. More as I play more.

Posted by Skadz at December 13, 2006 11:02 PM