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September 6, 2005
Question of the Day
What do people who don't smoke do when they need a little break at work?
Usually, if I'm stuck on something or between working on two different things, I got downstairs and have a smoke. What should I do now that I don't smoke?
Posted by Skadz at September 6, 2005 12:06 PM
Generally speaking my breaks are taken when my mobile phone rings, as I have a friend who likes to chat briefly throughout the day and I don't mind. So I pick up and head outside.
Failing that, I bring whatever novel I'm reading at the time with me everywhere and have no problem with stepping outside and reading a page. A page is usually a break both short enough to be a smoke break and long enough to get me out of my office and out of my head. It also helps me get through books as I tend to be too lazy (if that makes any sense at all) to read while at home.
Posted by: Marc at September 6, 2005 2:32 PM