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June 20, 2005

Homelink is Dead :(

So, I got switched over to the new Bank of America Online Banking this weekened, along with everyone else in Massachusetts. I checked it out this morning. All I have to say is I WANT HOMELINK back! This thing is totally ugly, totally confusing and not well laid out at all. Please Bank of America, use the code from Homelink and make your online banking bearable, thankyouverymuch.

Posted by Skadz at June 20, 2005 10:30 AM


How true, how true! I miss my Homelink, too! Of course, I also miss the soothing Fleet green--much as I like red (it's much more flattering on me than green), I find that splashy red for my bank a little disconcerting . . .

Guess I'll just have to suck it up, 'cause I'm too lazy to change banks. Let me know if you start a "give us back the look and feel of Homelink" petition drive, though. I'll sign!

Posted by: Alison Rose at June 20, 2005 5:42 PM

No kidding. And less information on downloaded transactions. And for some reason I couldn't get Quicken to sync up the B of A downloads with my old Quicken accounts. As a result, I had to open up new Quicken accounts and close the old ones.

Posted by: Dan at June 24, 2005 4:36 PM