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June 7, 2005
Floating Home
Whenever I head down to Long Island to visit the family, I take the Cross Sound Ferry from New London down to Orient Point.
The number one reason I take it is how it splits up my commute. Basically it will take me about an hour and a half to an hour and forty five to get down to the ferry in New London (depending on if I leave from work or home). It then about an hour an a half on the boat. And the third leg to the family is about another hour and a half. So, with this, I drive for a bit, relax for a bit and then drive for a bit. Rather than driving for 4-5 straight hours.
The second thing I love about these guys is their flexibility. Yesterday, when I got a reservation, I was not thinking fully and made it for Friday evening instead of Thursday evening when I planned on leaving. I noticed later in the day, so I called them this morning. A 2 minute conversation and I had my reservation switched. No fees, no fuss, just a quick change and all done. They will do this right up to an hour before your reservation. And they will take reservations at any time. Also, if you arrive super early for your boat, they will throw you on the one before if you can fit.
It's just a very nice service without any of the troubles that flying can be these days.
Posted by Skadz at June 7, 2005 10:32 AM