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January 2, 2005

Welcome to the end of the relaxing

Well, today is the last day of my vacation. I have worked in a week and a half and it felt good.

Spent much of the time at home with the family. Was the best way to keep me off the streets of Boston, but also nice and relaxing. Great to see everyone while I was there. So nice to see my sister living so happily.

Spent New Year's Eve up in Lawrence, MA (never thought I would say that) seeing some friends play and hanging out with good friends. Was low key, but nice. Spent the last weekend night last night with good friends having some beers.

Been rather lazy over these 10 days, so today needs to be productive. Gotta get my house and life back in order for the wonderful world of the working man. Hopefully, I can approach this year with a new attitude and ready to rock n roll.

Posted by Skadz at January 2, 2005 12:17 PM