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December 31, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

Since all the cool kids are doing it, I thought I would put to "paper" my New Year's Resolutions. So, here they are:

  1. Continue Fiscal Responsibility - Over the course of this year, I have gotten much of my finances in order. I need to continue this over the 2005. The goal here being to get out of debt, as soon as possible.
  2. Quit smoking by 09/05 - I've said over and over again that I would quit smoking before I turned 30. So, I've got 9 months to do it.
  3. Sleep in my bed. I've gotten in to a REALLY bad habit of sleeping on my couch each night. I need to get back to my bed.
  4. Maybe a super set of the previous two, but the next thing would be to get myself healthier. This includes eating better, sleeping better, quitting smoking, and even starting getting in shape.
  5. Get back to reading. I've slacked this year on my reading. This coming year, I need to get back in to the habit. Hopefully reading about a book a week.
  6. Get better at guitar. I've totally gotten back in to my guitar, but now I need to improve my skills. Most of this has to do with learning and apply theory. Basically, being able to improvise and learn things by ear.
  7. Better time management. This is a biggie and will be difficult. These days, I go to work, come home and slack, watch TV, noodle around on my guitar, etc. Usually because I go in to work so late, I don't have any motivation when I get home. This coming year, I want to get in to work earlier, so I can get home earlier and do things.
  8. Work on my programming projects. I've had a lot of ideas for programming projects and projects in general over the last year, but never get to them. I want to spend a lot of time doing that this year.
  9. Last, but not least, enjoy the end of my 20s. In 9 months I turn 30, so I have to enjoy the end of my 20s while they last :)

Posted by Skadz at December 31, 2004 11:20 AM

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» The new year from Boston Common
Andreas details his resolutions, including more trips to the gym and stopping smoking. Ryan also lists his resolutions - also including no more butts. Jeff looks back at his 2004 resolutions - including the ones he didn't do - before... [Read More]

Tracked on December 31, 2004 2:38 PM