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December 31, 2004
New Year's Resolutions
Since all the cool kids are doing it, I thought I would put to "paper" my New Year's Resolutions. So, here they are:
- Continue Fiscal Responsibility - Over the course of this year, I have gotten much of my finances in order. I need to continue this over the 2005. The goal here being to get out of debt, as soon as possible.
- Quit smoking by 09/05 - I've said over and over again that I would quit smoking before I turned 30. So, I've got 9 months to do it.
- Sleep in my bed. I've gotten in to a REALLY bad habit of sleeping on my couch each night. I need to get back to my bed.
- Maybe a super set of the previous two, but the next thing would be to get myself healthier. This includes eating better, sleeping better, quitting smoking, and even starting getting in shape.
- Get back to reading. I've slacked this year on my reading. This coming year, I need to get back in to the habit. Hopefully reading about a book a week.
- Get better at guitar. I've totally gotten back in to my guitar, but now I need to improve my skills. Most of this has to do with learning and apply theory. Basically, being able to improvise and learn things by ear.
- Better time management. This is a biggie and will be difficult. These days, I go to work, come home and slack, watch TV, noodle around on my guitar, etc. Usually because I go in to work so late, I don't have any motivation when I get home. This coming year, I want to get in to work earlier, so I can get home earlier and do things.
- Work on my programming projects. I've had a lot of ideas for programming projects and projects in general over the last year, but never get to them. I want to spend a lot of time doing that this year.
- Last, but not least, enjoy the end of my 20s. In 9 months I turn 30, so I have to enjoy the end of my 20s while they last :)
Posted by Skadz at December 31, 2004 11:20 AM
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» The new year from Boston Common
Andreas details his resolutions, including more trips to the gym and stopping smoking. Ryan also lists his resolutions - also including no more butts. Jeff looks back at his 2004 resolutions - including the ones he didn't do - before... [Read More]
Tracked on December 31, 2004 2:38 PM