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November 30, 2004


I'm really starting to worry that I am becoming an adult. I mean, come on, I'm only 29! This latest realization came this evening while at the food store. I only need a little because I am off to SF on Saturday (more on that later). As I headed to the checkout, I realized I had just had a very adult shopping experience. In the past, things like frozen food, ice cream, snacks, soda, candy, etc would have been on the top of the list. Today, the list consisted of real food INCLUDING fruits and vegetables and some toothpaste. No junk, just food and all of it real food. It's amazing what happens when you start growing up.

Posted by Skadz at November 30, 2004 11:02 PM


Wait until you have a kid! lol

Posted by: Ryan at December 22, 2004 7:47 AM