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November 8, 2004
Linux Releases Everywhere!
Two new distributions released today.
First, Fedora Core 3 was released today. It can be downloaded here or Bittorrent'ed here.
Second, Novell has put out the first relesae of their Novell Linux Desktop.
I've been running FC3 for a while (actually, development) and it kicks much ass. Gnome 2.8, Evo 2.0, etc etc. Lots of cool new bells and whistles. I could really see this being used by a normal user.
I've heard a lot of good things about NLD from the Novell/Ximian folks. The only bad part thus far is that you can download it, but only get a key to update it for 30 days. After that, I guess you have to pay. Guess I will have to see if work's partner status can get me some full keys.
Posted by Skadz at November 8, 2004 12:31 PM