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October 24, 2004


Though I have been a big user and tried helping out a lot with Straw, an aggregator for Gnome, the recent fall off in development and a number of big annoyances in the latest code has made me look around some for other aggregators.

Yesterday, Mikael announced a new version of Blam!, an aggregator for Gnome witten in Mono. It looked interesting, so I decided to take a look.

So far, I like it. It's still missing a lot of features I am used to in Straw, but it is getting there slowly. Since I started playing with it and saw a lot of these missing features, I started bugging it up. Hopefully some of these features will get implemented soon and I will be able to make this my default aggregator.

Posted by Skadz at October 24, 2004 9:53 AM