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June 28, 2004

Monday Goodness

Last night I finally did something I should have done a long time ago. I slept in my bed. Over the last few months, I've adopted a rather bad habit of falling asleep on the couch watching TV. This is not a good thing. First off, I wake up to the TV half the time. Second, it's not really all that comfortable to be sleeping on a couch every night. Third, I wasn't reading anymore, since I was filling all available time with TV.

Now that the real TV season is over, the TiVo has a lot less stuff on it, so I figured this would be as good a time as any to get myself back in to the habit of going to sleep in my bed. So, last night after some TV, I headed in to bed. I read for a while and then passed out. Got up good and early this morning and was in the office before 9. Go me!

Now, hopefully I can keep this up. The goal is to start getting to work around 7:30 each morning, so I can get out of here by around 4 and still have an afternoon to enjoy life and try and get other things done. We'll see how this experiment works out, since I am the anti-morning person :)

Posted by Skadz at June 28, 2004 12:34 PM


I've been trying the same thing. Unfortunately there are two manjoy flaws. One, I am always tired. Always. Two, I go up to bed, and I read. And when I'm finally ready for sleep, I have to get up to go turn out the light. And when I get back I'm not ready for sleep anymore. Unfair! Anyhow, the theory for me is that if I can be up that early I can start exercising in the morning again. That would be a good thing.

Posted by: Marc at June 28, 2004 12:56 PM

Go you! :)

Posted by: gnome-girl at June 28, 2004 9:27 PM