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May 26, 2004

The worst part of waking up

is fire alarms going off in your hotel

False alarm. Gone off a few more times since the time they actually evacuated people at about 5:45 this morning. May have to yell at hotel management as I leave for the show this morning.

Posted by Skadz at May 26, 2004 11:58 AM

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» The worst part of waking up from Boston Common
Ryan, on the road, says that would be fire alarms going off in your hotel: False alarm. Gone off a few more times since the... [Read More]

Tracked on May 26, 2004 12:39 PM


oh man I thought you might need a wake up call but they messed up I meant 6:45 not 5:45 :P

Posted by: gnome-girl at May 26, 2004 2:31 PM