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May 10, 2004

Dave & Trey Go To Africa

Anyone see Dave and Trey on VH1's (inside)Out?

It was a very cool special. Not only did it show lots of interesting music collaboration, but also showed some great stories and information about Africa.

The thing that struck me most was definitely the musical collaboration. Watching people who couldn't even speak the same language being able to sit down and play together and make some great music was just incredible.

It's also inspired me to re-double my guitar playing and musical efforts. I really want to get to the level where I can sit down with just about anyone and play and have fun and really enjoy music. I love music so much as a listener, now I really want to be able to jump in the fray and enjoy it from the otherside and hopefully give joy to others.

Posted by Skadz at May 10, 2004 2:23 PM


I am from Richmond, VA, you could say besides C-ville, DMB's home. After leaving a jam packed Madison Square Garden seeing Dave and Friends, I thought to myself, Damn, what else can he do? What else did he do, but take it back to the Motherland. After watching the Dave and Trey go to Africa special on VH1, I couldn't help but shed a tear. I was so moved. In today's culture, it seems that the music industry is being swallowed by eye catching, low grade talent. It is refreshing to see two men (Dave and Tim) who I'm pretty sure feel like they are on top of the world, set aside there fam and glory to go to a place where no one has ever heard of them and attempt to Jam with the legandary Orchestra Baobob. Without a doubt surpassed any expectations in doing so. In my opion The music industry needs more class acts like these two gentleman leading the way.

Posted by: Keith Best at May 30, 2004 11:18 PM

it was actually dave and trey not dave and time.
sure it was just a mistake as dave and tim do perform a lot together.

Posted by: josh at June 1, 2004 3:08 PM

it was actually dave and trey not dave and time.
sure it was just a mistake as dave and tim do perform a lot together.

Posted by: josh at June 1, 2004 3:09 PM

it was actually dave and trey not dave and tim.
sure it was just a mistake as dave and tim do perform a lot together.

Posted by: josh at June 1, 2004 3:10 PM