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April 27, 2004

Toxic Hell

I'm currently riding on the LIRR to NYC for the Linux on Wall Street trade show. Been on Long Island since Friday afternoon, spending time with family and whatnot. Oh yeah, and getting all my hair chopped off.

One of the big thrills for me of going home is getting to eat Taco Bell. Yes, I know this stuff is horrible and probably horrible for me, but I love it. Back when I went to BU, there was a Taco Bell in the bottom of my dorm which I was a frequent visitor of. These days, there are none too close to either work or home, so I really never get to enjoy some Bell. Luckily, when I come down to NY, there is one just a few blocks away from my sister's place which I visit often.

Posted by Skadz at April 27, 2004 5:27 PM


Cut off all your hair?!

Then again, I beat you to it. ;)

Posted by: Maddy at May 6, 2004 1:33 PM