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January 19, 2004
Linuxworld Again
If anyone is going to be around LinuxWorld this week, stop by the Egenera booth and say hello.
I'm hoping Doc will be around and I can grab a few minutes with him. Been thinking about some stuff since reading Cluetrain and am hoping to put them in to action in the near future and would love to talk to him some about it.
Also, Nat said he will be around. Would like to meet him face to face after talking to him a bunch on irc while working on Dashboard.
I've seen a number of my show buddies already who work the booths at a lot of the shows, but still have a bunch of them to see. Hopefully will bump in to a lot of them tomorrow before the show actually starts.
Posted by Skadz at January 19, 2004 11:47 PM
Doubtful that you will see Doc since he was here the other day, but if you want his number to find out drop me an email and I'll set you up.
Posted by: wrath at January 21, 2004 9:32 AM