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January 6, 2004
Apple's New Stuff
New stuff from Apple today.
First off, the iPod mini. Though rather cool looking and small, this thing is WAY overpriced. It has 4G of storage and is $249. Apple also upgraded the 10G iPod to a 15G iPod and is still $299. Why would ANYONE not want to pay the extra $50 to get an additional 11G of storage? I mean, the cool factor of the mini is definitely there, but the minor (in my opinion) size change just doesn't make it worth the price. If it were $149 it would be something I would consider, but at $249, I'd rather just grab a full iPod at 15G.
Second was GarageBand. This I WANT. From the web page:
GarageBand turns your Mac into an anytime, anywhere recording studio packed with hundreds of instruments and a recording engineer or two for good measure. It’s the easiest way to create, perform and record your own music whether you’re an accomplished player or just wish you were a rock star. And GarageBand is the newest member of the iLife family, so you can add your original music to your slideshows, your DVD menus, burn it to CDs or score your iMovie projects.
This thing looks freaking sweet. This is EXACTLY what I am looking for for Linux. I even posted about it a few weeks ago. I've played a little with some of the music programs for Linux so far without much luck. This looks like a nice and easy application to do what I want. Someone port this!!! ;)
Posted by Skadz at January 6, 2004 11:35 PM