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December 30, 2003
Bonnaroo 2004
Dates for the Bonnaroo Music Festival 2004 have been confirmed as June 11-13.
I've missed this two years in a row and have heard nothing but good reviews. Amazing musicians both years and probably a whole new set of good ones this year. I just don't think I can do the camping. Just not my style. Definitely not much of an outdoors person. Who knows, maybe the lineup will just plain be not miss this year.
Posted by Skadz at December 30, 2003 12:41 PM
You HAVE to go! I've been both years and it's the whoop! The best vacations I've EVER taken, by far. It's like a Disneyworld for music lovers. As for the camping issue, rent an RV. That's what I do.
Posted by: Rhythmdaddy at January 4, 2004 12:34 AM
I have been both years we Rent an RV and we take the whole week off and the next two week days, to recover, its the best experience you could ever have. I suggest this to anyone who loves music, art, and good people.
Posted by: Lovetractorwsp at January 8, 2004 3:33 PM
oh my goodness! i am soo pumped to go this year. i cant wait camp and get sweaty and listen to awesome music. Everything about it seems like a great experience to me and everyone who has gone says that it's something that you have to attend and you just feel absolutely FREE!! I cannot wait:)
Posted by: ash at January 19, 2004 7:53 PM
Posted by: MEGAN JONES at January 21, 2004 4:23 PM
Bonnaroo is the bomb diggity! All should attend, camping rocks! It is the best thing since sliced bread!
Posted by: Misty at January 24, 2004 10:08 AM
bonnaroo is a great experience for sure!!! but the ticket price is outragious!! 250 $ a piece!! i paid 175$ last year! and its also a bummer string cheese isnt gonna be there again! The price is worth it, but get there asap! they better make the water potable and the beer cheaper! lets hope , cant wait to get there!
peace, tinydancer
Posted by: tinydancer at January 27, 2004 2:46 PM
This is going to be my first year going but I am sooo excited already, june cant get here fast enough. Check out this website it has a list of unconfirmed bands that might be their this year.
I dont know anyone from here going but I am going no matter what. Does anybody have any pointers or suggestions for a bonnaroo virgin?
Posted by: mizzouht at January 28, 2004 5:51 PM
i got my ticket for $119.50 last year - you just have to be ready to sit at your computer for four hours at the website while 80,000 other cats are signed on trying to get tickets at the same time. frustrating but worth it. :)
pointers for bonnaroo first timers.. WATER WATER WATER.. and LOTS OF SUNTAN LOTION. i was pretty near sun poisoned last year and constantly dehydrated. i'm off to buy myself a camel bak for this year's roo. bring your own food, some of the stuff is pretty pricey. if you don't bring an RV, bring a tarp and some poles to make a shady area - you'll need it. lots of folks brought some kind of flag or balloon to mark where they were camping.. it's insanely crowded. give yourself plenty of time, be prepared to sit in 12 hours of traffic. and above all, just remember, it's ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL gonna be worth it in the end. peace :)
Posted by: dre at January 28, 2004 10:11 PM
Grab a ton of your friends rent an RV and head to Manchester. you will not regret it.
Posted by: junko at January 29, 2004 5:29 PM
Disregard the tickco list of artists. They have Widespread on the list and obviously they aren't going to be there. As far as who is going to play it really doesn't matter. The experience is worth the visit. There will be great bands regardless. Waiting for the line up is always going to be a tough one. The Roo will come through...as always.
Posted by: FAN at February 2, 2004 11:32 AM
water is the key to enjoying bonnaroo. the water they supply is nasty sulfur-water from underground. smells like rotten eggs.
Posted by: rabble babble at February 2, 2004 4:14 PM
Hi, does anyone have any tips on where/how to rent an RV? I am thinking I should rent one close to Manchester..... any advice/anecdotes would be greatly appreciated!
Posted by: notunlikemyself at February 3, 2004 5:17 PM
I am so looking forward to Bonnaroo. I went last year and I loved it. Definitely bring water. We didn't bring food or water so it was pretty miserable but it was all worth it!
Posted by: Jennifer at February 3, 2004 10:54 PM
I am so looking forward to Bonnaroo. I went last year and I loved it. Definitely bring water. We didn't bring food or water so it was pretty miserable but it was all worth it!
Posted by: Jennifer at February 3, 2004 10:54 PM
hey.. if a couple of 48 year old retired guys can do it..anyone can.. we absolutely loved it..
talked about it so much that our wives are coming this year. look for the SC flag in the
rv area.
Posted by: roy flynn at February 4, 2004 7:06 AM
I went to Bonnaroo 2003 and it's well worth the 3 nights of camping. After hearing about 2 shows you don't care any more if you smell and have to sleep outside. It's a great time and I wouldn't miss it for the world this year. Have a good one.
Posted by: Joe hippensteel at February 4, 2004 2:03 PM
Can't wait til Bonnaroo 04' Third time is always a charm ppl!! Get your tix the day they go on sale
or you'll regret it!!
Posted by: Kiel at February 10, 2004 12:37 PM
last year's roo was unbelievable! bring water, food, some kind of shelter from the sun, extra water, sun tan lotion, a camera, plenty of money, and more water.. i wouldn't advise bringing more greens than you'll smoke waiting in line because the cops were bad on highways leading to manchester. There will be PLENTY of choices on shakedown anyway so why take a chance. also don't get too burned out during the day because some of the BEST acts are in the tents late at night.. its a good idea to mark your campsite too as if you're like me and won't always be in a sober state of mind, it will help when you least expect it.. most of all, leave your worries at home and meet as many cool people as possible!
Posted by: Byron at February 12, 2004 1:53 PM
i went last year and i had The Best Time of my Life! it's worth going if you're a little worried about the cost or the camping. great people, great music,great party favors,and im sure the security could care less what's going on as long as you're not hurt or fighting. they ride horses and stuff, its kewl, you can pet em and feed em sometimes.did i mention the wide array of beers from all over, GREAT BEER!
This years lineup looks great, trey, del mccoury, dylan, the dead, MOE,string cheese, yonder mountain,and many more great artists.i cant wait. WATER,t.p., suntan lotion,and somesort of shade are musts.well, i gtg, but im psyched about this year's...HAVE FUN FELLOW BONNAROO GOERS. PARTY ON, ILL SEE YOU AT THIS YEARS.......DID I SEE YOO AT BONNAROO?
Posted by: cory at February 13, 2004 3:32 PM
you must go. the friendliest vibe you will ever experience. The stats speak for themselves. Last year they had 80,500. there were 18 arrests and all were outside the gates. You have never been to a concert like that.
Posted by: dan at February 13, 2004 11:23 PM
I'll be a newbee this year...does anyone know where I can get a map of the whole site? I hear you guys and gals talkin' about shade, is that for the camping area or the centeroo? Can you hear the music from the camping area? How far is the walk from camping to listening?
Posted by: Jim at February 15, 2004 9:28 PM
I attended the fest last year. It gave me a whole new insight into the way life should be lived. They will give you a map and a schedule when you go through the entrance. the tarps for shade are for the campgrounds, they wont let you take them into the concert area. Bring plenty of money, last year i only had about $60 and i spent about $40 on assorted goodswithin an hour of being there. i had to feed myself and 2 other people on about $20, but i didnt mind. if you cant get much spending money dont worry, the fellow concert goers will help you out.
Posted by: Kevin at February 21, 2004 4:06 PM
you can hear music at all hours from anywhere. if not from the stage people in the lots are always makin some kind of music.
Posted by: Kevin at February 21, 2004 4:09 PM
This year is gonna be awesome.
DONT PAY $275 for tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bonnaroo website is still sellin em for $164 (got mine for $139 ha ha). Anyone who forks out the dough will NOT be disapointed. Awesome lineup this year, although they still havent added Flaming Lips to the list which was by far the surprise of last years show (nominated for best show of the year by Jammys). And dont worry if you have never heard of the bands, because from the first year (roo02) the bands they select may not be the biggest names, but you can not question the quality. Ive been turned on to more bands by Bonaroo than anywhere else (and that includes the radio). NO DOUBT THE BEST FESTIVAL IN EXISTENCE, SORRY EUROPE!
Thanks and I will see Y'all at the ROO!
Posted by: tooyoungtobeadeadhead at February 23, 2004 4:39 PM
So how was everyone's traffic experience last year? the first year i went in on rte.24, got there at 9:00 thursday night, and only waited for about a half hour. But last year i went in on 55, got there at 2:00 thursday afternoon and waited for 18 hours!! anyone else?
Posted by: justin at February 26, 2004 5:01 AM
this will be my first time and i wanted to know what kind of array of life enhancing substances will be present at bonnaroo and how easy it is to get ahold of them. and glass art. and just what is it really like?
Posted by: michael at March 1, 2004 12:54 PM
this will be my first time and i wanted to know what kind of array of life enhancing substances will be present at bonnaroo and how easy it is to get ahold of them. and glass art. and just what is it really like?
Posted by: michael at March 1, 2004 12:55 PM
I was wondering on how the security is when you are inside the "gates" of Bonnaroo with the ummmm i guess mind altering substances? and what i should bring along with me to the festival
Posted by: Mr.Bigrip at March 2, 2004 6:22 PM
Bonnaroo was the best time of my life!!! We were on the computer for 4 hours to get tickets last year, but it was worth it. This year I got tickets at ten of 10:00 am! I definitely recommend it to anyone who's never been. It's like being in another world for 3 days were there's great music, great people, lots of other fun stuff ;) This year they brought out the big guns with Dylan, Willie Nelson, and SCI and the Dead are back!! And don't forget plenty of beer (because you will run out!)
Posted by: angela at March 14, 2004 2:11 PM
Howdy ho,
this is our first bonnaroo
and Im lookin for more Traffic advise especialy
the access point to this "back road entrance" Ive heard about, also ANYONE GOT A VENUE MAP??
York SC
Posted by: Ashley C at March 17, 2004 12:53 PM
Hi- looking for an RV to rent- we are flying in from Boston.... can anyone help?
Posted by: joey at March 19, 2004 9:41 PM
cant fuckin wait!!! good music, good drugs, good times
Posted by: horton/pierce at March 29, 2004 11:47 AM
cant fuckin wait!!! good music, good drugs, good times
Posted by: horton/pierce at March 29, 2004 11:49 AM
Anyone from new york or boston going me and a couple of my friends may need a ride, but not old enough to rent a car without those bastards charging us $500 extra dollars
Posted by: Chito at March 30, 2004 4:07 PM
Answer to security question:
As stated earlier all the arrests were outside the gates(thanks dan). Stay cool and do not be obvious and you will be fine. There is plenty to go around.
Posted by: Silent in the Morning at April 1, 2004 9:10 AM
Answer to security question:
As stated earlier all the arrests were outside the gates(thanks dan). Stay cool and do not be obvious and you will be fine. There is plenty to go around.
Posted by: silent in the morning at April 1, 2004 9:23 AM
Alright guys, I too am a virgin to the roo scene. I am looking for sombody to talk to to give me plenty of info about this that i will need to know to maxamize the good times there. How much food should one bring, and water? Should i bring my own booze, or buy it there? How much money do you guys usually spend? Are there plenty of pyschedelics to go around? Is it safe to eat them there without worry of getting in trouble? Is it enjoyable benig there when it's hot and sweaty and 70,000 are in the same arena you are in? And any misc questions that i missed post replyS!
Posted by: Matt at April 1, 2004 4:05 PM
Every substance imaginable is there and not difficult to find, just keep your eyes and ears open. Fear not for security, just make sure you can handle the crowd in an altered state. Past years have shown the people to be kind, so as long as this year doesn't stray much from that, you should be good.
As for booze, you will not be allowed to bring it into the concert area. If you'd like to drink at your campsite, go for it, but remember it will be hot and you will be dehydrated even without it... we brought a cooler of beer last year, but ended up drinking the whole thing waiting in traffic to get in (11 hours, by the way, be ready to sit for a while).
As for entrance, just watch the website. There are entrance points based on which direction you are coming from. There is also a VIP entrance... VIP ticketholders will be emailed directions to this point.
Bring bottled water unless you want to drink the terrible sulfur-smelling stuff they supply. Prepare for three days in the hotass sun by hydrating yourself WELL before you even get there. Then keep drinking.
Bring enough food for about two average size meals a day. You will probably have to make a decent hike back to your campsite from the shows and also, it will be hot, so you probably won't eat much. We loaded up on granola bars and such to carry with us during the day.
Definitely bring sunblock. We planned for rain last year and got three days of all-out sunshine and high temperatures. It was beautiful, but sunburn can tire you out and cut down on your fun.
Things you should also bring: A bookbag, baby wipes, a hat, a roll of toilet paper, a disposable camera, a pen and small pad, towels or small blanket, spray bottle!, and a good attitude!!
This year there are 90,000 tickets. That's 10,000 more than last year and 20,000 more than the first year. There will be at least 4 stages, with plenty of other things going on, so the people are spread out a bit. Don't get me wrong though, it's crowded and if you can't do crowds, this is not the place for you.
All in all, we had no trouble. Good people, good music, some of the best times of my life. It's well worth the $160+ you pay for your ticket.
Posted by: A 'Roo Vet at April 4, 2004 1:32 PM
Me and 5 other friends or so are trying to make this trip work. We are all in chicago, and i'm trying to actually do the planning. What is the best way to make this trip actually work, being cost wise, and making it also comfortable for us(ie hopefully having a place to sleep, etc). Is an RV sufficent for this many people, how much does a trip usually cost you guys with everything in cluded at the end? Any helpful information about puttnig a trip like this together is appreciated :)
Posted by: Questioneer at April 4, 2004 9:00 PM
This is going to be my first Roo as well, I have friends who have gone to both previous Bonnaroos and cant speak highly ebough of it! Anyone hear anything about other festivals this summer (ie, Gathering of the Vibes?)
Posted by: Pokester at April 5, 2004 1:43 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: mad doser at April 18, 2004 5:19 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: mad doser at April 18, 2004 5:19 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: william at April 18, 2004 5:21 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: william at April 18, 2004 5:21 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: william at April 18, 2004 5:22 PM
i went to 2003 festival.was very hot very hot!! the cops not really cops (security) are on horse back,i was smokin a 420 and they looked right at us ,they didnt even bat an eye,all kinds of subsances there its a candy store for the mind .i will be there again in 2004 and again......i love the dead dont think they played all that well that night though.be on the look out for the clowns yes real ones and oh yea and the mad doser
Posted by: william at April 18, 2004 5:23 PM
I was wondering aobut the purity of substances that are at this festival. Of course nobody can be sure exactly, but generally is what you 'buy' and you get, or is there known to be bunk stuff sold?
Posted by: ChocolateMushroom at April 20, 2004 6:34 PM
I was wondering aobut the purity of substances that are at this festival. Of course nobody can be sure exactly, but generally is what you 'buy' and you get, or is there known to be bunk stuff sold?
Posted by: ChocolateMushroom at April 20, 2004 6:35 PM
I was wondering aobut the purity of substances that are at this festival. Of course nobody can be sure exactly, but generally is what you 'buy' and you get, or is there known to be bunk stuff sold?
Posted by: ChocolateMushroom at April 20, 2004 6:36 PM
I was wondering aobut the purity of substances that are at this festival. Of course nobody can be sure exactly, but generally is what you 'buy' and you get, or is there known to be bunk stuff sold?
Posted by: mushroom at April 20, 2004 6:41 PM
I found the purity to be very high, at least among the psychedelics and the pot I saw...of course, with 80,000 people, it's easy to have a different experience I guess. For the people wondering about the best way to go--bring tents in case it rains, but just bring some air mattresses or something to sleep outside on, it's hot...bring more water than beer (a lesson learned last year) and everything else will work out...it's an amazing experience
Posted by: Matt at April 26, 2004 6:04 PM
I'm going for the first time this year. I've heard from everyone who's gone to watch out for the 5-0 on the highways but once your in, YOUR IN. I'm worried about bringing beer in because i'm not 21 but i'm sure i can get it inside. I'd just like someone to e-mail me who's gone before so i can get a better idea of what to prepare for. It will be a long strange trip. And the best part, my mom wants me to go. I love you mom!
Posted by: alyssa at April 28, 2004 2:15 PM
I'm going for the first time this year. I've heard from everyone who's gone to watch out for the 5-0 on the highways but once your in, YOUR IN. I'm worried about bringing beer in because i'm not 21 but i'm sure i can get it inside. I'd just like someone to e-mail me who's gone before so i can get a better idea of what to prepare for. It will be a long strange trip. And the best part, my mom wants me to go. I love you mom!
Posted by: alyssa at April 28, 2004 2:16 PM
anyone know how many tickets are left till the show sells out, thanks?
Posted by: asher at May 2, 2004 11:54 AM
I went to Bonnaroo last year and what can I say, it was the best damn time of my life. I was completely schorched after 3 sets the first day and we didnt bring andthing to shade us. BRING A TARP FOR SHADE. We ran out of beer and water, but the prices were not unreasonable. I met some of the coolest people in my life and this crazy old man gave us a bottle of moonshine berries that kept us drunk all weekend. Keep hydrated and make sure to eat, I passed out during Jack Johnson. Have a great time and dont get frustrated in the traffic...13 hours! I cant wait to catch Yonder, Dylan, Trey, Burning Spear, Mofro, Guster, Moe, the dead and so many more. See you there! Peace
Posted by: Kristi at May 5, 2004 12:15 AM
I can't wait for ROO 04! i have never been before and i am very excited. I have been to alot of stock in my time, but i have never put so much effort, time and money into a camping trip. For the most part it's not just a camping trip, it's going to be the best festival i will probably go to this summer. So of my friends that had went last year said that they are going back for the next 30 years. So i can't wait. I am from St. Louis and it's only about a 4 hour drive an we are going to leave late on the 9 so we won't be waiting 15 hours to get in! i would like to know where everyone's from!
Posted by: Missy at May 14, 2004 3:48 PM
I have 2 Bonnaroo tix to sell for $325 including shipping. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Posted by: Scott at May 25, 2004 5:30 PM
I have 2 Bonnaroo tix to sell for $325 including shipping. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
Posted by: Scott at May 25, 2004 5:30 PM
i was just wondering how easy are good trips to find and what is normaly the price range a bonnaroo? and if any one would like to post some cool things to bring to bonnarooo like congos glowsticks and so on that would also be helpfull to us all! peace love and music
Posted by: todayshippie at May 25, 2004 8:31 PM
ah'm bringing lots of glow bracelets to give away - bubbles for the kids (and kids at heart) water pistols . . . these and sunscreen galore, bottled water for sure. cannot wait - went to bonnaroo the first, had to skip the second, and ya know what they say - third time's the charm! (tho i 'spect the roo will florish well past its third year - something this good doesnt go away too easily, thank heavens) see you there!
Posted by: hoodatbe at June 8, 2004 9:44 AM
What a bunch of assholes!
Posted by: Misty at June 9, 2004 1:29 AM
WOOOOOO Bonnaroo 2004 was the hot shit. Was my first year going and we camped out.. best time in my live. It did rain all day sat. but the music was so good i didnt care.. plus i had alot to drink =P
i strongly suggest that everyone goes to Bonnaroo 2005!
Posted by: Kevin_hQ at June 15, 2004 12:56 PM
(r00 n00b) I went with my buddy to Bonnaroo 2004 and it was the best experience of my life. We both got the $500+ VIP tickets and enjoyed the catering, the shade in the VIP camping area and all the other VIP goodies (free shirt, w00t). But for sombody going next year if you want to camp with the REAL Bonnaroo people that are out in the huge camps then dont go VIP because i found the people that we were camping with in VIP werent as cool, they were older folks mostly that probably paid the money just to try and avoid the crazy Bonnaroo regular. Camping with old people or not Bonnaroo is unreal!
P.S. I did smoke bowls with some of the old people in VIP
Posted by: Brad at June 15, 2004 3:36 PM
OOOOOHHHH MY GOD, WHAT A GREAT TIME! What a great start with LLB. They can rock! I had goosebumps cause they sounded so much like SRV. Some of the best true entertainers I've seen in a long time. I was also very surprised by the Del McCoury Band. And, no matter how high DM is, he still sounds like his CD's. Trey was awesome. The rain was a bitch on saturday, but on sunday it was just comical. How about all the MudPeople, HAHA.
Next year I'm gonna rig some kind of A/C to my tent so I can get some rest. The heat was almost too much. Good thing I had plenty of water. Also better rigging for the tarp. A neighbor's tent crashed through our campsite and took out two tents.
Man, what a great time!!!
Posted by: Jim at June 15, 2004 6:01 PM
Mud was the sure finish to my Picture phone and all my lovely photos as well as contacts with Roo friends please help me find some posted or something.wish all well and ThAnXyA
Posted by: Mike at July 16, 2004 12:34 PM
Hello, I will hopefully be attending the '05 Bonnaroo festivel. I have afew questions concerning it. What site is it that i could visit to find tickets cheaper than $250? Also, i am 15 years old. I love the bands that were in the previous Bonnaroo line ups . I was wondering if i enjoy it as much considering most of the people attending will be older than i am. Please respond. Thank you!! HOPE TO SEE YOU AT BONN. '05!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Erin at January 3, 2005 7:44 PM