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November 11, 2003

No A-Rod Please

Report: A-Rod, Nomar deal on table

Dear Theo:

Please don't do this! First off, we don't need to take up so much of the Red Sox salary with one player. Use the money to get some good pitching, not replacing a position where we already have a damn good player. See how Nomar does this season and see how much he wants next year and then decide if you are going to renew his contract. I see no reason to grab A-Rod. We already have great hitting and need pitching much more in order to win the World Series next year. Adding more power does nothing for a team that had the best offensive stats in the league last year. So, go forget A-Rod and start concentrating on getting guys like Pettite or Colon. Maybe pick up a new REAL closer. Let's not get caught up in trying to improve anything BUT pitching right now. You did a great job of finding some diamonds in the rough in terms of offense last year, can't you do the same with pitching this year? Thanks!

Posted by Skadz at November 11, 2003 11:22 AM