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November 1, 2003

They're made to be broken

I'm breaking my one rule of concert going currently.

Tonight, I am going to see KMFDM over at Avalon with Tim. My one rule of concert going is to never listen to the band I am going to see the day of the show. I do this mostly because I don't want the CDs in my head when I go to see the band, I just want to be totally open to the music. Usually, I spend a lot of time the week before the show listening to the band, but day of, I avoid the band. Well, this week I have really only listened to the new KMFDM, WWIII and not the older stuff, so I decided I was going to blast some KMFDM to get me going today.

As always, rules are just made to be broken.

Posted by Skadz at November 1, 2003 11:21 AM