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September 24, 2003

Lost in Projects ..

I've spent the last few days at work trying to get a lot of loose ends tied up. Things that I said at one point or another I would do, as well as doing general maintenance and clean up on the systems I run. Yesterday, I finally got myself to a point where I feel I have a lot of those loose ends tied up.

Now, I have to go back to my main project. The problem? I haven't touched this project in almost a month. Between a week of vacation, a week at Oracle World, playing catch up and being sick last week and now tying up loose ends this week, I just haven't had the time to touch the project.

So, I went in to the directory where I have the code and diff'ed it to CVS. I see that last time I did some work on this project I started to add in an interface to the program for outside users to use, I guess you could almost call it an API. This is good, I'm glad I never committed this because now I am slowly able to recall where I was on the project. The problem with the long wait though is that I now have to go back in and read all the code I had been working on and figure out exactly where in this coding I was.

Hopefully I will be able to spend a lot of hours over the next few days really trying to finish up this program and eventually move on to something else. This has turned somewhat in to the never ending project since my life is very interupt driven here at work. If I can spend some good time on this now, I hope to finally get this done and start trying to get myself more organized at work.

Posted by Skadz at September 24, 2003 1:32 PM