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September 16, 2003

Home Sick

Stayed home sick today. Woke up with a nasty sore throat. No good at all. Some drugs and some OJ has helped some, but nowhere near as much as I would have liked. Not smoking is the hardest part right now. The fact that it is muggy outside and my apartment is just gross isn't helping all that much either.

I've also noticed I am not very good at being sick. I've been e-mailing back and forth with work all morning, trying to make sure I don't fall behind by a day. I'm also channel flipping, reading blogs, doing personal e-mail, etc. Aren't I supposed to be like sleeping or something?

Posted by Skadz at September 16, 2003 12:36 PM


why didn't you tell me you were sick? feel better and yes i think you're suppose to sleep or something like that!

Posted by: gnome-girl at September 16, 2003 2:27 PM