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June 16, 2003
WiPower ....
A couple of weeks ago I was thinking that the real killer product would be for someone to make a wireless power cord. I started to think about writing a blog post about it and while going through that train of thought (yes, I tend to write all sorts of blog posts in my head, many of which never make it here, because I either forget or else I figure it would just be a dumb post), I had this thought that I actually read somewhere that someone had done something where they were actually able to do such a thing. I kept trying to think about where I heard that. Then I realized what it was. It was the damn machine from Atlas Shrugged. I bet thinking about a possibility of a movie of it had my mind in that place.
I still think it would be awesome, but I guess its something that just isn't there yet.
Posted by Skadz at June 16, 2003 11:20 PM
I do that all the time. think of a million things to post about but i either forget or by the time I can write it then it doesn't sound right so I don't :)
and that would be the coolest thing a wireless power supply :)
Posted by: gnome-girl at June 16, 2003 11:49 PM