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March 12, 2003

Mail Call ...

So, I got a bunch of mail at work today. Three things came:

a) Oracle Magazine. Most tech mags go home, this one comes here, why? I don't remember.
b) A credit card application. Who the fuck is sending me credit card applications at work? Argh. My credit sucks, don't you know this by now?
c) A package from Syncsort. Months (AND MONTHS) ago, I filled out a survey thing for SyncSort. And today, I recieved a shiny new Leatherman. I think its closest to the PST. Very cool! I had one of these years ago and lost it along the way. Now, I just have to remember to take it OUT of my bag before flying or else it will QUICKLY get taken away.

Posted by Skadz at March 12, 2003 11:51 AM


Those credit apps are just meant to tease us.
They send it to us we fill it out ever hopeful and then they turn us down!! they're evil :)

good thing I'm just ok with spending what I have and not charge happy :)

Posted by: gnome-girl at March 12, 2003 12:22 PM